Trish Duggan Philanthropy
Trish Duggan’s philanthropic work revolves around a variety of humanitarian initiatives related to children’s issues, education, the promotion of human rights and religious freedom, and support of the arts.
As a patron of the arts, Ms. Trish Duggan travels the world collecting art, often from new and upcoming talent or from indigenous artists as a means to promote artistic traditions and cultures from across the globe. Many of these pieces are collected with the intention of showcasing unique art forms and cultures from around the globe through captivating and educational museum exhibitions.
As the former President of the Adoption Support Group located in Santa Barbara, Ms. Duggan helped in the organization’s mission to educate and inspire parents to adopt children domestically, as well as internationally.
In 2018 Ms. Trish Duggan spoke at the United Nations Headquarters at the International Human Rights Summit. Ms. Duggan is an Ambassador to Youth for Human Rights International, the largest global human rights education initiative which works solely to promote the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
“A peaceful world can never be achieved without a greater understanding between people.” -Trish Duggan
Ms. Duggan received a special acknowledgement from His Holiness the Dalai Lama after contributing a remarkable collection of nearly 5,000 Buddhist Sutras for the special collection in the library at UCSB to promote a deep respect and understanding of Buddist culture.
One of Ms. Duggan’s favorite quotes is:
“ Though you can conquer one thousand men in battle one thousand times, the one who conquers himself, his hatred, his prejudice, his reactivity, is the greatest victor of all.” – Buddha
